Day 1
Read Luke 1:1-4 and learn, God used different people to write His word including Luke who was a doctor (Col 4:14). In fact, Luke used his ability to write an accurate account of what God did in Jesus to bring salvation to sinners. Therefore, as we go through the Gospel of Luke, ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you. And believers must use their abilities including their education to know Jesus and make Him known as Luke did. In fact, Luke also wrote the Book of Acts and traced how the church started in Jerusalem and spread throughout the Roman world. And the three synoptic Gospels namely, Matthew, Mark and Luke give the same testimony of the life of Jesus. The Gospel of John was specifically written to show faith in Jesus will save you (John 20:31).
Why was it necessary to have four Gospel about Jesus?
Day 2
Read Luke 1:5-25 and learn, in normal cases, God raises His servants from the families which fear Him. And in many cases, those God uses have challenges which interfere with their faith. God makes His will known through His word. However, the calling of John the Baptist was made known by the angel of God. In fact, John came to prepare the hearts of the people by calling them to repent before Jesus appeared (Mark 1:1-4). It is a serious matter for believers to doubt the promises of God and especially His servants. It is humbling to know God remains true to His promises, even in cases when believers are faithless (2 Tim 2:13). God will comfort those who are despised like Elizabeth.
Why was Zechariah disciplined for his doubt and Mary was not (vs 34)?
Day 3
Read Luke 1:26-38 and learn, although Jesus was born by a woman, He is the eternal Son of God. He only took a human body to identify with those He came to save (Heb 2:14). God did not choose Mary as the mother of His Son because she was special. In fact, Jesus said those who obey the word of God are the blessed ones compared with His mother (Luke 11:27-28)! Jesus is the King who is ruling from heaven. And those who keep their faith to the end will rule with Him forever (2 Tim 2:12). And because nothing is impossible with God, believers should pray with confidence.
What kind of prayer does God answer?
Day 4
Read Luke 1:39-45 and learn, those who receive blessings from God should share their joy with others. And especially the gift of eternal life. And those who are not sure about their salvation, must pray God to reveal the state of their hearts. In fact, there are some truths which only God can reveal. It was God who revealed to Elizabeth that Mary was the mother of her Lord! This shows Jesus was fully God when He was in His mother’s womb! And those who have Jesus as their Lord and Saviour have the witness in their hearts (1 John 5:10). All those God honours will always feel they do not deserve like Elizabeth.
Why do believers feel unworthy when God blesses them?
Day 5
Read Luke 1:46-56 and learn, the heart that is filled with the joy of the Lord will praise God like Mary. This experience is only for those who can call Jesus their Saviour. In fact, God chooses the poor and makes them great. He does this to draw the attention of the rich to see His favour on the poor. The followers of Jesus must be satisfied with the way God orders their lives. They should know God who spoke to Abraham has spoken through Jesus His Son (Heb 1:2) And their faith in His Son has made them children of God with all the privileges of His children!
What are the privileges of God’s children?

Day 6
Read Luke 1:57-66 and learn, believers should rejoice with those God answers their prayers. Usually, the people God answers their prayers get the motivation to obey His word. God may discipline believers until He fulfills His promises in their lives like Zacharias. In fact, those who see the hand of God in the lives of others are likely to wonder. And God can use what they see to draw them to Jesus. Therefore, believers must know, what they say or do, affects the way people view God.
How does God discipline believers?
Day 7
Read Luke 1:67-80 and learn, after the sin of Adam, God freely chose Abraham and promised to bless the nations through him (Gen 12:3). And it was through Abraham’s grandson Jacob (Israel) that God formed the nation of Israel. God kept on sending His prophets to warn them when they sinned. And in the end God sent John the Baptist to prepare the nation to receive Jesus, their Saviour. John was categorical Jesus was the sin bearer (John 1:29, 36). It was when the Jews rejected Jesus that salvation was extended to anyone who believes in Him (John 1:11-12). In fact, it was always the intention of God to save people from other nations. And these are the ones Jesus said were His other sheep (John 10:16).
Why do some people reject Jesus today?
Day 8
Read Luke 2:1-7 and learn, believers must obey their leaders because God can use them to fulfill His promises. They should respect their leaders and not rebel against them because leaders are put in such positions by God (Rom 13:1-7). Joseph did not say the Romans were cruel and his wife was pregnant and refuse to obey Caesar! In fact, God used the command of Caesar and the obedience of Joseph to go to his city, Bethlehem and Jesus was born there as the prophet Micah said (Math 2:4-6). God commands churches to pray for their leaders as they worship (1 Tim 2:1-4). Jesus was born in poor circumstances to show poverty is not a curse as we hear today!
Are there times believers can refuse to obey their leaders?
Day 9
Read Luke 2:8-20 and learn, God revealed the birth of His Son to poor shepherds and not to the proud religious leaders. This Good News was announced by an angel accompanied by many angels to show it was from God. And the praises of the angels were the sign to show Jesus was God even as a baby! The message about Jesus as the Saviour is for all people. And there is no salvation apart from faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). And those God brings to Jesus must not keep quiet when people are dying in their sins and unprepared for judgement (Heb 9:27).
How can believers remember the birth of Jesus?
Day 10
Read Luke 2:21-24 and learn, although Jesus was God, He went through all the religious requirements for any Jewish child. And although He had perfect communion with God, His parents dedicated Him to God as the law required. And although all true believers are dedicated to God by their faith in Jesus, they must offer themselves daily to God as a sacrifice (Rom 12:1). And although Mary was favoured by God, she performed all the practices required for any woman who gave birth. The parents of Jesus offered the sacrifice that was only offered by the poor to show they were poor (Lev 12:6-8). And believers should not be ashamed when they have little to offer to God.
How can believers dedicate themselves to God?

Day 11
Read Luke 2:25-35 and learn, there are people God chose to save, and they cannot die until He saves them. This does not mean they have to wait until God performs a miracle. God chose His word as the means to bring them to faith in Jesus. In fact, God opens their hearts as they listen to the word being preached (Acts 16:14). Therefore, believers should spend their time sharing the word of God with those around them and pray God to use it to save His people. And know they will not die until they have done what God saved them to do, just as Simeon was ready to die when He saw Jesus.
Why do believers fear to die?
Day 12
Read Luke 2:36-40 and learn, God uses those who come from families where He is worshipped. And those without families have the privilege of seeking God without disturbance. This does not mean remaining single is a better spiritual state to be in. In fact, raising children is a calling from God. And for believers, age should not affect their faithfulness to God. Indeed, those who have walked with Jesus for a long time can influence those who are young in their faith. Believers should read the life history of the heroes of faith in the Bible and from church history.
Who is your hero in the faith?
Day 13
Read Luke 2:41-52 and learn, although Jesus was God, His parents taught Him the word of God and took Him to worship. Parents must set a godly example for their children by praying and reading the Bible every day. They must show their children the sins they have and ask them to repent and trust Jesus for their salvation. And those children who show signs of grace in their hearts should be encouraged. Parents should not put pressure on their children to be saved, instead they should pray for them and teach them how to pray for themselves. And in particular, it is the duty of the fathers to bring up their children in the ways of the Lord (Eph 6:4). Believers must learn from Jesus to respect their parents even if they differ in matters of their faith.
How can believers show their children sins to repent?
Day 14
Read Luke 3:1-22 and learn, the promises of God may take long but they will be fulfilled. Those who desire to be saved must be prepared to forsake all sins and not depend on their religious upbringing. And in any case, the test of true salvation is the new life they receive from Jesus. All people must know they live in evil days and faith in Jesus is the only hope for people to go to heaven. Believers must know the specific sins people commit and urge them to repent. And be prepared to suffer if they point sin in the lives of those in authority like John. They should know God loves the followers of His beloved Son.
What is true repentance?
Day 15
Read Luke 3:23-38 and learn, Jesus taught the word of God with authority from God (Math 7:29). And Jesus sends believers with the same authority to share the Good News to people everywhere (Math 28:18-19). And although Jesus was God, He was fully human because His family line goes back to Adam. And as the descendant of King David, God promised to give Jesus, David’s throne (Luk 1:32-33). And although Abraham was the ancestor of Jesus, Jesus was there before Abraham was born (John 8:56-58). And certainly, Jesus was not the son of Joseph, He came into being by the power of God through the Holy Spirit in Mary (Luke 1:35). Believers must rejoice because their Saviour is both God and Human!
How is Jesus the sufficient Saviour?

Day 16
Read Luke 4:1-13 and learn Jesus conquered all the temptations which believers face. And He invites them to approach Him when they face temptations. The devil will tempt believers to doubt the love of God when they face trials. And only those who know the word of God can resist the devil. In fact, the devil can twist the word of God and use false teachers to spread lies. He influences believers to claim promises which are not in the word of God. And in doing so, the devil is looking for followers, in order to deny God, the worship that belongs to Him alone.
What should believers do when they are tempted?
Day 17
Read Luke 4:14-21 and learn, the first thing Jesus did by the power of the Holy Spirit was to teach. And not to work miracles as many people think. Believers do not need someone to pray for them to receive the Holy Spirit. In fact, they receive the Holy Spirit the moment they repent and trust Jesus (Acts 2:38). However, they can pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit to enable them to live a holy life. The Holy Spirit ordered the life of Jesus and even what He read was talking about His presence with those in the synagogue that moment! In fact, what He read was about His ministry as their Saviour. And through faith in Him, all the people in the world can know the true God.
What was the mission of Jesus?
Day 18
Read Luke 4:22-30 and learn, the people who listened to Jesus could not deny His teaching was from God. However, when He exposed the evils in their hearts, they became hostile. And tried to get rid of Him but His time to die had not come! No one had power to take the life of Jesus (John 19:10-11). He gave His life as the sacrifice for the sins of His people (John 10:15-18). Therefore, believers should not be surprised when their relatives do not regard their faith in God as anything to hear! In fact, Jesus their Master was despised by His fellow countrymen.
How are believers mocked?
Day 19
Read Luke 4:31-39 and learn, the miracles Jesus performed were meant to prove His message was from God. It is amazing, the demons knew Jesus was the Son of God while the religious leaders did not know Him! In fact, the demons knew Jesus had power over them. It is not enough for anyone to believe there is one God without actions to prove it because the demons believe the same too (James 2:19). Jesus did not command his followers to seek the power to perform miracles or to cast out demons. In fact, Jesus defeated the power of the devil when He rose from the dead. And believers can resist the devil (James 4:7). Those God restores their health must give themselves to His service.
How can believers resist the devil?
Day 20
Read Luke 4:40-44 and learn, Jesus showed tender mercies to those He healed by touching them. And those who seek His forgiveness will find a wiling friend. In fact, believers should rejoice because Jesus loves each one of them as if there is no one else. The demons were very active during the time of Jesus to oppose Him. And that is why He did not allow them to speak about Him. Believers should not try to make the Good News attractive in any way. In fact, if they do so, many people will come to Jesus with wrong expectations and be frustrated!
Why do some preachers make the Gospel attractive?

Day 21
Read Luke 5:1-11 and learn, those who allow Jesus to use them or their things will have their daily needs met. In fact, Jesus can meet their needs in circumstances they cannot see how. However, Jesus will use their obedience to supply their needs. This is how Jesus builds confidence in His followers to trust Him. It was easy for Peter and the rest to leave behind everything and follow Jesus. This happened when they saw His power to bring fish where there was none! And in the same way, Jesus will meet all the spiritual needs of His followers. Those who experience miraculous provision will be humbled!
What should believers leave to follow Jesus.
Day 22
Read Luke 5:12-16 and learn, the people who had leprosy lived far from the people and they could not go to worship because they were considered unclean. It was only Jesus who was approachable to them. Those who live in sin are unclean before God. And they must believe Jesus is able to forgive and plead with Him like the leper. In fact, believers must believe Jesus is able to answer their prayers before they pray. Those who had leprosy could only be pronounced healed by a priest. And sinners can only be made clean by faith in Jesus.
What should happen before people repent?
Day 23
Read Luke 5:17-26 and learn the religious leaders had no excuse for not knowing Jesus was God because they saw His unique miracles. In fact, Jesus can answer the prayer of faith offered on behalf of others. And believers can pray in faith for the salvation of their loved ones. Jesus healed diseases because He had power to forgive sins which brought sickness. It is sad, people can only wonder when they see the power of Jesus in saving people. They may even praise God for it and still remain faithless!
Why are people not interested in their salvation?
Day 24
Read Luke 5:27-32 and learn, Jesus did not call His Apostles from the proud Jewish religious leaders. He called ordinary people including one of the tax collectors who were considered great sinners. Those Jesus called obeyed Him immediately! And those Jesus came to save will come to Him but not on their own. It is God the Father who brings them to Jesus (John 6:37). In fact, God renews their wills, and they freely come to Jesus. And because people are sinners by nature, they need to hear the saving mercy of Jesus from His true followers.
What must people do before they come to Jesus?
Day 25
Read Luke 5:33-39 and learn, true Christianity is not a matter of following some rules, it is a whole new life received by faith in Jesus. In fact, it is a new way of worship which cannot be mixed or compared with other religious practices. Indeed, true believers will perform their religious duties but not for show (Math 6:5). And those who have tested the freedom they have in Jesus have no room for other religions. All other religions demand their members to strictly follow man-made rules which are burdensome to obey. In fact, those who do not approach God through Jesus Christ, their sacrifices are offered to demons and not to God (1 Cor 10:20).
What is worship?

Day 26
Read Luke 6:1-5 and learn, although no work is permitted on Sunday, those duties which involve showing mercy and necessary to protect life are allowed. And love for others must be given priority over any blind obedience to the word of God. This is what Jesus taught and practiced. In fact, the word of God should not be interpreted in a way that endangers life. And believers should not be discouraged when they are criticized for doing good to others or to themselves! However, they must make sure whatever they do is supported by the word of God.
What should not be done on Sunday?
Day 27
Read Luke 6:6-11 and learn, believers must live their lives in the fear of God. And know there will always be those who will find fault with their good actions. And in such situations, believers should emulate Jesus and do what is right. In fact, those who know the right thing to do and fear to do is sin (James 4:17). And although believers should not be quick to judge other believers, they must point something in their lives that dishonors God or stumbles others. And those who are cautioned against any action must take it positively.
How should believers correct one another?
Day 28
Read Luke 6:12-16 and learn, although Jesus was God, He offered long prayers for His ministry. Moreover, He knew God always heard His prayers and yet He prayed for long (John 11:42)! And even one of the Apostles Jesus chose after praying for a long time was a devil (John 6:70). And those who say they follow Jesus must make sure they are truly His (2 Pet 1:10). Therefore, the followers of Jesus should pray for long before making decisions which affect their relationship with Jesus. And not be surprised when a long-standing member of their church leaves the church!
How else should believers pray?
Day 29
Read Luke 6:17-23 and learn, Jesus taught His Apostles by His examples. He sometimes healed all the people and not so in other places. His message brings hope to all believers. They may not have much but if they have Jesus, they have true riches in heaven. And even if they go through much sorrow, they have the joy of the Lord which nothing can take away. They may be despised but their Father in Heaven values them. In fact, they should be comforted when they remember their Saviour went through the same treatment. And what God has for them in heaven is way beyond their imagination (1 Cor 2:9).
What else should comfort believers.
Day 30
Read Luke 6:24-26 and learn, it is not true to say those who are rich are blessed by God. In fact, riches become a source of temptations (1 Tim 6:9). Those who have the comfort of this life may end up in eternal torment in hell. And not because they are rich, it is their busy lifestyle that keeps them from seeking salvation in Jesus. The same is true for those who love the praise of people, they have no time to praise God. In fact, Jesus became poor so that believers can be rich in good deeds (2 Cor 8:9).
Does God make people rich?

Day 31
Read Luke 6:27-36 and learn, believers must love their enemies because Jesus died for them when they were enemies of God (Rom 5:10). And their attitude towards their enemies should be for them to know Jesus. They should not revenge when people take advantage of their love. In fact, they should do good to those who do not appreciate their kindness. This is the only thing that makes believers different from those who do not know Jesus. And in everything, believers must be like God who sent His Son to save them (Rom 8:32).
Are there times believers can say no to their enemies?
Day 32
Read Luke 6:37-42 and learn, God treats His people the same way they treat others. Their love for Jesus is known by their generosity. And God will not forget their kindness (Heb 6:10). They must be growing in the knowledge of the word of God and how to use it to correct people without offending them. In fact, they must be conscious of their own sins as they help others to see their sins. And avoid giving the impression that they are better than others.
How can believers help other believers to see their sins?
Day 33
Read Luke 6:43-45 and learn, it does not take long to know those who love Jesus. The way they do their work will show. However, the real evidence of their faith is that they will talk about their Saviour. Those who have no interest in talking about their faith may not be true believers! In fact, true believers will know when to talk about their Saviour. They will not talk when they suspect people will mock what they say. And to talk, it is like throwing valuable things to pigs just as Jesus warned (Math 7:6). All believers must store the word of God in their hearts, and it will influence what they say or do.
Can believers just keep quiet and let people to see their actions?
Day 34
Read Luke 6: 46-49 and learn, those who are changed by faith in Christ will desire to know the word of God and their faith will continue to grow (1 Pet 2:2). They will overcome trials by faith in the word of God. However, there are those who believe some facts about Jesus and show no interest in the word of God. Usually, these are people who are told to accept Jesus without feeling their sins. They may continue believing for some time but they will fall away when trials come. And in the end, Jesus will accept those who cared about His followers and not those who called Him Saviour, without actions (Math 25:31-46).
What are the trials which believers face?
Day 35
Read Luke 7:1-10 and learn, faith in God is the only thing that pleases Him (Heb 11:6). Jesus will answer the prayers of those who believe He is able and especially those who feel not qualified to go to Him in prayer. Those with such humility will be known for their good deeds. And in most cases, they will ask other people to pray for them. It is easy to pray for them because there is something about them that can be said to God. In fact, faith is the only thing that surprised Jesus. And equally, it is lack of faith that surprised Him (Mark 6:6)!
What is true faith.

Day 36
Read Luke 7:11-17 and learn, there are many people who are dead in sin. And only Jesus can give life to their dead souls. However, He gives life only to those He chooses (John 5:21). It is only Jesus who gives true comfort to those who are hurting. In fact, God takes special care for widows, orphans and strangers (Exodus 22:21-23). And it is a mark of true godliness for those who show kindness to widows and orphans in addition to their life of holiness (James 1:27). And just as Jesus raised the dead, He will raise those who love Him, to die no more!
Does Jesus heal today?
Day 37
Read Luke 7:18-28 and learn, it is not unusual for believers to find they do not understand the word of God. When this happens, they must seek help from their church leaders. However, they must ensure what they are taught is supported by the word of God. In many cases, the true servants of Jesus are not recognized because people look at their outward appearance. The true servants of Jesus will always give priority to teaching the word of God with emphasis on sin, repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. And as great as John the Baptist was, he did not witness the death and resurrection of Jesus.
How can you tell the true servants of Jesus?
Day 38
Read Luke 7:29-35 and learn, Jesus came to call sinners to repent. And only those who feel their sins will repent. People are busy with the cares of this world. They forget there is hell to avoid and heaven to gain! In fact, many give excuses why they cannot come to Jesus, including finding mistakes in every preacher. Believers have the urgent task of bringing the Good News to those around them. And know, for sure, time will come when people will only listen to what they want to hear even lies (2 Tim 4:2-3). Don’t forget people have eternal souls to save or be lost forever.
What do people want to hear from preachers?
Day 39
Read Luke 7:36-50 and learn, Jesus was the friend of sinners, and they freely came to Him. And those who were simply religious without the new birth were quick to point at the sins of others and not see their own sins. In fact, all sins are serious before God and He will punish all sinners forever. There are people who are regarded as great sinners because their evils are excessive and open to the public. And those Jesus saves from a deplorable life of sin will readily talk about Him and His mercy.
Can someone be a true believer and not talk about Jesus?
Day 40
Read Luke 8:1-15 and learn, God uses His word to bring people under the Lordship of Jesus. His word will achieve His purpose (Isaiah 55:11). However, those who listen must pray God to prepare their hearts and keep on praying as they listen. There are enemies trying to make the word they hear ineffective in their hearts. In fact, people receive new life through the word of God (1 Pet 1:23). And their new life will be seen by their good deeds but those who are not born again will fall away when they face trials. Jesus gives life to those who believe His word (John 6:63).
What do believers fight against in their lives?

Day 41
Read Luke 8:16-18 and learn, Jesus is the light and those who believe in Him are the light in this world (Math 5:14). In fact, they will be known by their good deeds just as Jesus did good wherever He went (Acts 10:38). This becomes their way of living and not something they do to be praised. The knowledge of those who do the will of God will increase and those who neglect what they know is like losing it! And in the end God will judge the secrets of everyone by Jesus Christ (Rom 2:16).
How can believers be light in the world?
Day 42
Read Luke 8:19-21 and learn, Jesus was born the normal way by His mother Mary. However, He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35). In fact, Jesus was fully God in the human body (Col 2:9). He enjoyed the normal family relationship with His family members and sometimes they missed Him. It would have been wonderful to be the parent of Jesus or one of His siblings. However, those who obey the word of God are His true family members!
Why was Jesus God and man?
Day 43
Read Luke 8:22-25 and learn, the created things obeyed Jesus because He created them (Col 1:16). And believers should not fear natural forces because Jesus controls them. In fact, Jesus understands their struggles because He had a body. And when they face difficulties, they should pray and not panic as if He has left them. Jesus did not promise a trouble-free life, instead He gives His peace to His followers to go through the storms of life. The word of God is the sure source of comfort when they face life threatening circumstances. And they must do what it says even if they cannot understand because that is faith in God!
What is faith?
Day 44
Read Luke 8:26-39 and learn, the sin of Adam affected all the parts of the human body. And the devil who brought sin to Adam continues to lead people to rebel against God. When Jesus saves people, God transfers them from the power of the devil into the Kingdom of His beloved Son (Col 1:13). In fact, Jesus has power over the demons, and they know. Believers cannot be possessed by demons because they have the Holy Spirit (1 John 4:4). Those who love the things of the world deny themselves eternal life by their greed. And even if they witness the saving Grace of Jesus, they will not believe in Him. Jesus expects those who receive His mercy to tell others.
Why can’t people believe in Jesus on their own?
Day 45
Read Luke 8:40-56 and learn, the people Jesus healed expressed their faith in different ways. However, no one had faith Jesus could raise the dead. In fact, Jesus raised only three people to show His main mission was to teach. People are born dead in sin but they are not aware (Eph 2:1). And only Jesus can raise them from spiritual death. However, only those who feel their sins and hate them will genuinely come to Jesus. And not those who are told to accept Jesus as their Saviour without conviction of sin.
How else are people deceived?

Day 46
Read Luke 9:1-6 and learn, it is only the Apostles Jesus gave the gift to perform miracles. And to be an Apostle one must have seen Jesus and chosen by Him (Luke 6:13). We do not have Apostles like the twelve, Paul was the last one. And those Jesus calls to full time preaching, they must be satisfied with what the church gives. And avoid the practice of looking for support everywhere! In fact, believers must depend on God for their daily needs and pray as Jesus taught His followers (Math 6:11). And not love the company of those who oppose them or reject the word of God.
Why do preachers mean when they call themselves Apostles?
Day 47
Read Luke 9:7-9 and learn, unfortunately, the Jesus preached to many is not the one found in the word of God. In fact, no one can be saved by believing in the wrong Jesus! There are people praising Jesus but not the one who came to save sinners (1 Tim 1:15). The subject of the word of God is Jesus and believers must look for Him as they read it (John 5:39). Those who sin and not repent, their consciences will always accuse them. Sadly, there may come a time when their consciences become insensitive (1 Tim 4:2).
Why do some people not repent when they sin?
Day 48
Read Luke 9:10-17 and learn, the teaching of Jesus centered on bringing people to God. And when Jesus commands believers to make people His followers, He knows they cannot do it on their own. However, He can use the little knowledge they have to bring people to faith in Him. Jesus can also bless the work of their hands to feed others. And those who give, God will ensure they have more to give. God who offered His Son to die for the sins of His people, He will supply all their needs (Rom 8:32).
How does Jesus bring people into the Kingdom of God?
Day 49
Read Luke 9:18-22 and learn, believers should have a personal relationship with Jesus and be ready to defend their faith (1 Pet 3:15). Jesus is not like other religious leaders because He is alive. And believers must know, Jesus is their King, and their Prophet, and their Priest. It is God the Father who reveals Jesus (Math 16:17). If the Jews knew Jesus was the Saviour, they would have expected Him to save them from the Romans. In fact, Jesus came to die and be raised to give total salvation to anyone who comes to God through Him (Heb 7:25).
In what way is Jesus King, Prophet and Priest?
Day 50
Read Luke 9:23-27 and learn, those who come to Jesus expecting Him to solve all their problems will be disappointed. Indeed, Jesus solves their problem of sin and brings them to God. However, believers will suffer because this is the cost of following Jesus (1 Pet 2:21). Therefore, believers must put the interests of Jesus first even if they die! Those who live to acquire the things of this world will regret when they find themselves in Hell. Those who come to Jesus will receive new life and they will talk about Him. And those who claim to know Jesus and never talk about Him must doubt their faith!
How can believers be ashamed of Jesus?
Day 51
Read Luke 9:28-36 and learn, only few people saw the glory of Jesus in the world. In fact, Jesus had this glory from eternity before He became a man. And those who are joined with Him will experience His glory when they die. All believers will receive glorified bodies like that of Jesus when He returns (Phil 3:20-21). It is the death and the resurrection of Jesus that guarantees their resurrection. In the meantime, they should be busy in the Lord’s work and not be like Peter who wanted to dwell in the presence of the glory of Jesus on the mountain! What is glory?

Day 52
Read Luke 9:37-42 and learn, all the sufferings in the world is the work of the devil and Jesus came to destroy the work of the devil (Heb 2:14). When Jesus died and rose, He brought victory over the devil for those who believe in Him. However, the devil has power to deceive, and believers must use the word of God to resist him, and he will flee (Jam 4:7). They must keep off from the wisdom of this world that tells people to believe in themselves and everything will be possible! In fact, Jesus is their wisdom from God (1 Cor 1:30).
How did Jesus destroy the work of the devil?
Day 53
Read Luke 9:46-48 and learn, believers should be like Jesus who came to serve (Mark 10:45). And not like the world where those in power cannot be approached. It is sinful when some believers think they deserve respect from the rest. In fact, all believers are equal before God even the church leaders. And those who humble themselves and take note of those who are not respected are the greatest before God. Jesus occupies the highest position in heaven because He humbled Himself to the lowest position (Phil 2:5-11).
How can believers show humility?
Day 54
Read Luke 9:49-50 and learn, many people think Christians worship the same God with other religions which is not true. There is only one true God. He created everything including our first parents, Adam and Eve. And when they sinned, they lost fellowship with God. And as a result, all people are born separated from God. It is this God who called Abraham and promised to bless other nations through him (Gen 12:3). That is why He is called the God of Abraham. In fact, He is the same God who sent His Son, Jesus to save His people. And those who believe in Jesus receive the blessings of Abraham (Gal 3:13-14). That is why this true God is called God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ in His word (2 Cor 1:3). And anyone who calls the name of Jesus is His follower as He told John.
Why are there many denominations?
Day 55
Read Luke 9:51-56 and learn, when time came for Jesus to die for His people, He could not be stopped. Believers must pray for courage to follow Jesus and to share their faith with others. And when people reject them, instead of wishing them God’s judgement, they should pray for them. And know, if God did not soften their hearts, they would have rejected Jesus as well. They must learn from Jesus who did not condemn sinners. And that is why His enemies called Him, the friend of tax collectors and sinners, out of envy (Matt 11:19).
What does it mean to be a friend of sinners?
Day 56
Read Luke 9:57-62 and learn, there is cost for those who follow Jesus. This may involve leaving their families to bring the Good News to others. In fact, the message about Jesus is urgent because it is a matter of heaven and hell. And just as God desires all people to repent, believers must warn people to escape the judgement of God on the last day (2 Pet 3:9). This is what it means to love your neighbor. Therefore, believers have the obligation to spread the Good News that Jesus saves sinners (1Tim 1:15).
How can believers spread the Good News?

Day 57
Read Luke 10:1-16 and learn, this world will end when the message about Jesus as the Saviour, has reached all the nations (Math 24:14). And believers must bring this message to those around them. And not forget there is the whole world waiting to hear the Good News. They should consider themselves most blessed for God to use them and not angels! And those involved in full time preaching must trust God to provide for their needs. Their message is to urge people to repent and warn them about the judgement to come. And those who hear about Jesus and not repent, their judgement will be more severe than those who never heard about the saving mercy in Jesus.
How can believers make Jesus known in the whole world?
Day 58
Read Luke 10:17-20 and learn, many believers spend time seeking the gift of performing miracles. Instead, they should pray for boldness to preach the word of God. And although Jesus brought victory over the devil for believers, the devil is more powerful than they think. They should not expect God to protect them from those dangers they can avoid. In fact, they should not put their trust in how much God uses them. Instead, they should rejoice because their place in heaven was determined before they were born.
How did Jesus bring victory for believers?
Day 59
Read Luke 10:21-24 and learn, God’s ways are not like our ways. He chose the poor and revealed His Son to them. And those Jesus chose to preach to world were uneducated men (Acts 4:13). This was meant to show the growth of the church of Jesus does not depend on the wisdom of men. Jesus chooses to save many who are despised in the world. In fact, He does not save many who have the wisdom of this world (1 Cor 1:26). And all the Old Testament saints, as holy as they were, did not have the privilege of hearing the teaching of Jesus.
What benefits do believers have from Jesus?
Day 60
Read Luke 10:25-37 and learn, there are people who read the word of God as if they want to know the will of God, especially how to go to heaven. And not obey what they read. It is possible to know the word of God accurately in the mind and be lost! And those who think they can go to heaven by obeying the commandments of God must obey perfectly. However, no one can obey God perfectly. Those who have saving faith in Jesus will show kindness to anyone who is in need. The church should be first in alleviating the sufferings of all people but not like any other charitable organization.
What is the goal of the church in helping people?
Day 61
Read Luke 10:38-42 and learn, believers should open their homes to visitors and especially the servants of Jesus. In fact, some may even invite angels without knowing (Heb 13:2). And many will joyfully find they actually served Jesus when they showed kindness to other believers (Math 25:40). However, believers must give priority to hearing the word of God and plan to read it every day and every time they meet for fellowship. They must pray and discipline themselves because the devil will hinder them from reading the word of God.
What else can help believers to read God’s word every day?

Day 62
Read Luke 11:1-4 and learn, praying is the highest form of Worship because believers talk to God as their Father. It is not the time to bring their needs to God and expect immediate answers. They must come to God as the highly exalted One and wonder why He stoops to hear them! In fact, they must be conscious of their sins as they pray. And know the devil will bring evil thoughts as they pray. However, they must remember they have the Holy Spirit who prays with them (Rom 8:26). And thank God the Father for offering His Son to die for them. And through Him all other blessings flow.
How can believers learn how to pray?
Day 63
Read Luke 11:5-8 and learn, believers can pray anytime because God is always ready to hear their prayers. They must pray in faith and allow God to decide when to answer. And even if their prayers are not answered, it does not mean God is unwilling to answer. In such cases, believers must not give up. In fact, this is the way God tests their faith. And it is also the way God keeps believers depending on Him! In fact, God does more than believers ask or even think (Eph 3:20). However, God will not answer selfish prayers (Jam 4:3).
What other prayers God will not answer?
Day 64
Read Luke 11:9-13 and learn, God may not answer every time believers pray. And there is need to persevere in prayer. However, God does not answer simply because believers persist in prayer, He will only answer if what they pray for is promised in His word (1 John 5:14). And because God may answer their prayers in ways they do not expect, believers must learn to recognize the signs when God answers their prayers. They must always pray for the Holy Spirit to make them holy and be like God who is holy (1 Pet 1:15).
What does it mean to be holy?
Day 65
Read Luke 11:14-23 and learn, there will always be people who deny the power of Jesus when He saves people. People may think Jesus was a man but the miracles He did show He was God. And the fact that Jesus cast out demons is the proof that He had power over the devil. Therefore, believers cannot be possessed by demons because they have the Holy Spirit who is more powerful than the devil and the demons (1 John 4:4). In fact, God removes those He saves from the power of the devil and brings them into the Kingdom of His beloved Son (Col 1:13).
What is the Kingdom of God?
Day 66
Read Luke 11:24-26 and learn, believers should not expose themselves to the influence of the devil and the demons. They should not attend worship where the worshipers deny Jesus is the Son of God. In fact, the sacrifices offered in those places are offered to demons (1 Cor 10:20). Believers must be careful about certain practices such as Yoga because false gods are involved in their meditation! They should be like Jesus who could not tolerate seeing the House of God used as a marketplace (John 2:13-17). Believers must always pray God to protect them from the devil (Math 6:13).
How can believers conquer the devil?

Day 67
Read Luke 11:29-32 and learn, people are curious to know God. And even if they are told God has revealed Himself in the Bible, many do not believe. In the Old Testament, God revealed Himself to the nation of Israel. And those from other nations could only know God by seeking the God of Israel. However, today anyone can know God because He has revealed Himself through Jesus. In fact, those who believe in Jesus have more understanding about salvation than the prophets who only saw it as a future event (1 Pet 1:10-12)! And in that sense, those who reject Jesus are more guilty than the Old Testament believers!
What other advantages do believers have?
Day 68
Read Luke 11:33-36 and learn, the Christian faith is not a religious system with set rules to follow and hope God will be pleased. Instead, it is a new life, and true believers will have a testimony that they love Jesus. And people around them should see the changes in their lives. However, they must work at putting to death the sins which remain in their bodies. And use the means God has provided to get rid of all sin. In fact, believers do not need special knowledge, what they need is faith to trust Jesus has sufficient power to lead them to heaven. And everything else about their lives will be clear.
What are the means God has provided for believers to get rid of sin?
Day 69
Read Luke 11:37-44 and learn, God cares about the people who are regarded as the worst sinners. In fact, Jesus is ready to come into their hearts if they invite Him. However, those who call them Christians without the new birth cannot please God by their actions. God can see their secret sins even if they try to live a decent life. In fact, God requires them to get rid of their sins before they try to offer anything to Him, but they cannot see their sins because of their pride. God has already condemned them because they do not love Jesus in their hearts (John 3:18). Therefore, do not be surprised when you read the strong language Jesus used against the Pharisees. And believers must have the same attitude to sin!
How can believers show people their sins?
Day 70
Read Luke 11:45-54 and learn, believers must not fear telling false preachers the truth even if they are offended. Many false teachers take pleasure in ordering their members to treat them like kings. They fall into the same errors as the false teachers who came before them. In fact, they are no different from those who killed Jesus. They are like those Jesus said they make their followers twice children of hell as they are themselves (Math 23:15)! Churches must exercise caution when choosing their leaders. And avoid churches where the leaders do not involve the members in making decisions. Jesus has already rejected such leaders and believers should not be party to their sins.
What are the marks of a good church leader?
Day 71
Read Luke 12:1-3 and learn, there are many preachers all claiming to speak from God and it becomes tricky to know the true servants of Jesus. And the preaching of many of them is so captivating that true believers can be led astray. Believers must keep away from the so-called men of God who go round praying for people at a cost. In fact, it is only those who know the word of God who can counter their falsehoods! However, it is not a matter of knowing the right teaching, it is obedience to the word of God out of love for Jesus. This is an urgent matter because error spreads like wildfire. God hates those who act what they are not! They may deceive for a while but on the last day, they will be ashamed and start the life of woe and misery in hell forever!
How can you tell false preachers?

Day 72
Read Luke 12:4-7 and learn, believers must love Jesus the same way He loved them and died for them. However, it is natural for anyone to defend their lives when they face danger and believers are no exception! Believers should remember God paid for their forgiveness with the blood of His Son and He values them more than anything else. Jesus said those who believe in Him will live even if they die (John 11:25). It is an amazing truth that God is pleased when those He loves die (Psalm 116:15). And they cannot die until He achieves His purpose for their lives.
Are there circumstances believers can defend themselves?
Day 73
Read Luke 12:8-12 and learn, the grace of Jesus that saves is powerful and believers will talk about Him. And those who have no interest in sharing their faith may not be true believers! They should not expect Jesus to welcome them into heaven on the last day. In fact, it is possible for people to think Jesus is not God because of their high view of God. It is easier for such people to see their sin and repent. However, those who deny the clear work of the Holy Spirit in giving people new life cannot be forgiven because this is willful unbelief! The Holy Spirit who dwells in every true believer will guide them on how to defend their faith.
How can believers deny Jesus?
Day 74
Read Luke 12:13-21 and learn, it is godly for believers to sort out the problems of those who seek their help. And take this as the opportunity to direct them to matters of their souls when they die. In fact, the real need of people is the forgiveness of their sins and believers must give priority to this when dealing with people. And in any case, people will be forced to leave everything when death strikes! It is unloving for believers to fail to warn people about the danger of eternal fire in hell, if they pursue riches instead of Jesus who gives eternal life. In fact, believers have everlasting inheritance because of their union with Jesus (Rom 8:17).
Is it wrong for believers to be rich?
Day 75
Read Luke 12:22-34 and learn, believers must commit their cares to God. In fact, their God who offered His Son for them will give them everything else (Rom 8:32). They should consider how God provides for people who do not care about Him and know they are safe in Him. In fact, no human civilization can match the beauty God bestows upon His creation! Therefore, believers should busy themselves with bringing the God News to the lost world. And be sure everything they use to make Jesus known will be found in heaven.
What does it mean to seek God’s kingdom?
Day 76
Read Luke 12:35-40 and learn, believers should reflect the character of Jesus in this sinful world. And not forget they can face sudden death and meet God unprepared. They must use all their energy to know Jesus and to make Him known. And know that time will come to give account of their lives. They must be challenged by the thought that Jesus will honour those He will find faithful. Therefore, believers must not waste time pursuing the passing pleasures of sin in the world (Heb 11:25). Jesus will certainly come back, and everyone will see Him including those who killed Him (Rev 1:7).
How can people prepare to meet Jesus!

Day 77
Read Luke 12:41-48 and learn, the word of God applies to everyone, especially the followers of Jesus to know His will. In fact, God has assigned believers the responsibility to care for their souls and those of other believers. And to do this, they must know the word of God use it as their guide. Those who do the will of God will be given more responsibilities when Jesus comes back. Those who know the word of God will bear more responsibility than those who do not have access to the word of God. God will treat people according to the knowledge they have. And no one will escape His just judgment, including those who never heard about Jesus or the word of God because each one has a conscience to tell them when they are wrong!
What rewards will God give to faithful believers?
Day 78
Read Luke 12:49-53 the Christian faith is not what the majority believes, it is what the word of God teaches. There will always be differences in homes when some members are true believers and others are not. And believers may be forced to leave their family church and join a church that teaches the truth. They must love Jesus, their Lord, more than their close relatives (Math 10:37). In fact, believers must regard their brothers and sisters in Christ as closer than their relatives (Gal 6:10). There are cases where believers have to leave their families when they are threatened with death because of following Jesus like in Muslim countries.
What can believers do for such believers?
Day 79
Read Luke 12:54-59 and learn, believers should know the signs which show the second coming of Jesus is nearby. They should order their lives and live as if He can come any moment. And not wonder when they see evil everywhere because sin will increase as the end draws near. They should watch because Jesus will come when everything will be normal (Math 24:37). It seems people do not learn to prepare for their death when they see others die. However, believers should rejoice because they have peace with God through Jesus Christ. The rest will suffer the punishment of God forever.
What does it mean to have peace with God?
Day 80
Read Luke 13:1-5 and learn, God sees the evils people commit. And He does not act quickly to give them time to repent. God sent Jesus to save the world and not to condemn it (John 3:17). And believers must be concerned about the spiritual condition of people before they die. And when people die, believers must leave their case to the Justice of God. It is fearful to know some people have died and gone to eternal judgement. And those who are not sure about their relationship with Jesus must act before it is late! It is wonderful to know some people have gone to be with Jesus.
What should people do to be sure heaven is their home?
Day 81
Read Luke 13:6-9 and learn, people are saved by faith in Jesus alone. However, they must show the evidence of their new life by their actions. They should grow in holiness as the word of God works in their hearts. In few cases, true believers may take long before people see changes in their lives. They need the care of mature believers to teach them the word of God. And those who do not show love for the word of God may not be true believers. It is only those who keep their faith to the end, who will be found in heaven (Math 24:13).
How else can believers help young believers?

Day 82
Read Luke 13:10-17 and learn, Jesus sees the effects of sin in the lives of people and decides to reveal God to some of them (Math 11:27). In fact, there is nothing in people to move Jesus to forgive their sins. God uses His word to open the hearts of people (Acts 16:14). And those who experience forgiveness of their sins will start to obey the word of God. And although believers must not work on Sunday, they must show mercy and do any work that can save life. God is pleased when believers do good to people all the time. And be like Jesus who did good everywhere He went (Acts 10:38).
What are examples of work which can be done on Sunday?
Day 83
Read Luke 13:18-21 and learn, whatever God says may appear simple to people but it will fulfill His purpose (Isaiah 55:11). God sent Jesus as a weak baby to save the world by dying as a criminal! And Jesus chose only twelve men and through them His saving grace is known in the whole world. In fact, Jesus is building His church through the preaching of the word of God. And no one should try to make it attractive because it has power (Heb 4:12). The word of God has benefited many people because many education institutions were started by Christian missionaries. And on the last day, a great multitude from all nations will assemble before Jesus as the lamb of God that was sacrificed for their sins (Rev 7:9-10).
What other benefits are brought by the word of God?
Day 84
Read Luke 13: 22-30 and learn, not many people will go to heaven compared to the number of people born in the world. People are born dead in sin, but they do not feel their guilt before God. Moreover, no one seeks God on their own (Rom 3:11). People in general, try to please God by doing some religious practices but they fall short of the holiness God demands. It may appear restrictive but Jesus is the only door for anyone to go to heaven (John 10:9). And not just knowing some facts about Jesus. It is their personal relationship with Jesus that counts. However, this relationship must be accompanied by a life of holiness and hatred for sin. In fact, on the last day, there will be surprises with many who thought they were Christians, being barred from Heaven.
How can people be sure they are fit for heaven?
Day 85
Read Luke 13:31-35 and learn, no one could kill Jesus before the appointed time. And even when the time came, He offered himself (John 10: 17-18). In fact, believers cannot die until they finish the work appointed to them. And although the Jews waited for their Saviour for a long time, they did not recognize Jesus as the one they expected. And even today, people come to Jesus hopping to get material blessings and forget there is heaven to gain and hell to avoid! God is not pleased when those who live in sin die and that is why He sent His Son (John 3:17).
What is the work appointed to believers?
Day 86
Read Luke 14:1-6 and learn, believers must be careful how they behave in the presence of those who know their faith. In fact, what they do says something about God. They should be ready to show kindness like Jesus and use the word of God to defend their actions. And in some cases, they can use their common sense to decide what is right to do. God has given people the gift of conscience to warn them before they do something wrong. And it is sin for believers to fail to do what they know to be good (James 4:17).
What should believers do to those who criticize them?

Day 87
Read Luke 14:7-11 and, Jesus left all the glories in heaven to save the lost. In fact, He came to serve those He called to be His disciples (Mark 10.45). And His followers must delight in serving others. This must affect the way they treat others in public places. And not think they deserve anything from God when they do His will (Luke 17:10). Instead, they should strive to be like Jesus who humbled Himself to the lowest position. And now He enjoys again the fullness of Joy in heaven (Phil 2:5-9). This is the joy believers will enjoy forever!
How can believers humble themselves?
Day 88
Read Luke 14:12-14 and learn, because believers belong to the same body of Jesus, they should treat one another the same way. And while believers must help everyone, they should give priority to other believers (Gal 6:10). In fact, God will pay back those who show kindness to those in need (Prov 19:17). And because all people are born sinners and on their way to eternal death, believers have the responsibility of bringing the Good News to them. There will be believers from every type of people assembled with Jesus when He comes back (Rev 7:9).
How can believers bring the Good News to all?
Day 89
Read Luke 14:15-24 and learn, since the sin of Adam, God has been calling His elect to Himself. He first chose the Jews and through them He promised to send the Saviour to save His elect from other nations. Unfortunately, the Jews constantly rejected the prophets God sent to lead them. And in the end, they rejected Jesus, their Saviour and killed Him. However, the death of Jesus became the sacrifice for the sins of anyone from other nations who believes, including the Jews! When Jesus came, He started to build His Church and in many cases through opposition from the Jewish religious leaders. And even today, people love their sins, and they will not come to Jesus to receive eternal life (John 5:40).
What else keeps people from coming to Jesus?
Day 90
Read Luke 14:25-35 and learn, God is jealous when His people trust other things (Exodus 20:5) In fact, God expects His people to love Him above everything else because He offered His Son to die for them. And Jesus expects His followers to love Him the same way they love God the Father. Believers should not put pressure on people to accept Jesus as their Saviour. There are people who say they believed in Jesus without feeling hatred for their sins and dishonour His Name by the way they live. Those who say they are Christians must be prepared to leave anything that the word of God calls sin, otherwise they are enemies of what Jesus did on the cross (Phil 3:18).
How can true believers bring shame to Jesus?
Day 91
Read Luke 15:1-10 and learn, Jesus was approachable to those who were regarded as great sinners because He came to save the worst of them (1Tim 1:15). In fact, believers must bring the Good News to those around them. And not be satisfied when they see many believers in churches while people are dying without hope. The church must be the place where believers are taught the word of God and prepare them to show the love of Jesus wherever they are (Eph 4:12). Moreover, believers must watch over the spiritual life of other believers and follow those who fall in sin and help them to repent. And seek to restore their fellowship with other believers.
What causes believers to backslide?

Day 92
Read Luke 15:11-32 and learn, If believers isolate themselves, they expose themselves to the lies of the devil. And soon they will be attracted by the things of this world and lose touch with God. They may enjoy the pleasures of sin but only for a short time (Heb 11:25). However, their loving heavenly Father will not allow His children to remain in sin. Believers should rejoice when God sends problems in their lives as discipline (Heb 12:5). Those who are true believers will see their sins and repent. And find forgiveness because the mercies of God in Jesus are never exhausted. Believers should receive those who repent and not think they are less Christians!
How should believers treat those who repent?
Day 93
Read Luke 16:1-13 and learn, each believer has work assigned to them before they are born. And no one else can do it for them. They cannot say they do not know the will of God because they have His word. And on the last day, each one of them will explain themselves to God! In fact, they can learn from the world how people plan for their future. And plan to use what they have to serve Jesus and know for sure they will find it heaven (Math 6:19-20). They must not forget, the God they serve has no rivals and demands total obedience.
How should believers use what they have?
Day 94
Read Luke 16:14-18 and learn, people who are simply religious and not born again cannot obey God. They may appear godly on the outside, but God sees the evils in their hearts. There is a lot in the word God which believers will never know. However, those who read the word of God everyday will learn more truths. In the beginning, God revealed Himself to the Jews. However, He has fully revealed Himself through His Son. And because God never changes, believers can be sure everything His word says will happen.
How else does God reveal Himself?
Day 95
Read Luke 16:19-31 and learn, when people die, they face the judgement of God (Heb 9:27). And the way they live will determine where they will live forever. They must be careful because there are few people who repent before they die. And only those who have a saving relationship with Jesus will be with Him in paradise (Luke 23:42-43). Those who have nothing to do with Jesus and live in sin will suffer forever in the lake of fire (Rev 21:8). The word of God has enough information for people to know how to escape hell.
How can people avoid going to hell?
Day 96
Read Luke 17:1-4 and learn, all the followers of Jesus belong to the family of God. And there should be no human distinctions between them (Gal 3:28). Those who are spiritually mature must take care of those who are still growing in their faith. In fact, all believers are dear to Jesus, and it is a great sin to mislead anyone of them. And if believers thought carefully about the mercies of God, they would live in peace with their brothers and sisters in Christ. And use the word of God to settle any differences between them.
What causes differences between believers?

Day 97
Read Luke 17:5-10 and learn, faith is not just believing something will happen without any basis. Instead, faith is directed to someone. And true faith is directed to the living God. And acts on what He says in His word. This means those who pray must have a living relationship with God through His Son. And as they pray, they should believe they have already received what they prayed for (Mark 11:24)! However, their priority should be to know the will of God and not to command nature to obey them! And even if believers obey God, their obedience will always fall short of what He requires!
Who is the only true living God?
Day 98
Read Luke 17:11-19 and learn, all people are born in sin and only those who call on the name of Jesus will be saved (Rom 10:13). This is the only name that saves people from sin (Acts 4:12). And what God requires is obedience to His word. Jesus did not come to break the law of God. In fact, Jesus respected the religious system of the Jews because it was given by God. And although the religious leaders had lost the truth, Jesus recognized the position they held. God expects those He forgives to worship Him and not take His mercies for granted because He does not show mercy to everyone (Rom 9:18).
Why do some believers not thank God?
Day 99
Read Luke 17:20-25 and learn, God chooses those to save and brings them to Jesus (John 6:37)! This started when Jesus came, and it will continue until all the elect have come to Jesus. In fact, believers can be involved in bringing people to Jesus by sharing the Good News with those around them. And pray God to send preachers to those who are ready to hear Jesus saves (Math 9:37-38). Believers should not listen to those who claim to have special message from God. They should know the second coming of Jesus will not be secret as some false preachers claim!
What is the Kingdom of God?
Day 100
Read Luke 17:26-37 and learn, God is guiding the affairs of all people until the end of time. However, many people live as if there is no life after death. And to many, life does not seem to have any meaning. The danger is that they do not think about God as they go on with their business. They may think about God in times of sickness and hope to get relief. And even then the things of God do not make sense to them (1 Cor 2:14). And although believers live together with the ungodly, there will come the final separation between them when Jesus comes to judge all people. In fact, the occasional judgements God brings in the world point to the reality of the final judgement to come.
How should believers live among unbelievers?
Day 101
Read Luke 18:1-8 and learn, prayer is the only means for believers to talk to God. And they should approach God as their Father and know He is pleased to Hear their prayers (Prov 15:8). They should not be anxious to have their prayers answered. God may delay answering their prayers to test their faith. And when God does not answer prayers, believers must evaluate their prayers (Jam 4:3). It is helpful for believers to use the word of God as they pray. And learn to pray for the things which God has promised. Unfortunately, some believers pray for something and live as if they have not prayed!
What has God promised to believers?

Day 102
Read Luke 18:9-14 and learn, God sees two groups of people in the world. Those who are saved and those who are lost in sin. And the attitude they have about themselves determines how God treats them. In fact, all people are sinners before God and believers have sins (1 John 1:8). And when believers pray, they must always ask for forgiveness. And even then, they must depend on the Name of Jesus (John 14:14). They should compare themselves with what the word of God says about them and not with those around them. And strive to be like Jesus who humbled Himself and died a shameful death for their sins (Phil 2:8).
Are true believers sinners?
Day 103
Read Luke 18:15-17 and learn, people were created with some characteristics of God, and they should be respected (Gen 1:26). Adam had no sin when God created him, it was his sin that cut him from God. In fact, the sin of Adam affects everyone right from time they are conceived in their mothers’ wombs (Psalm 51:5). And although children are sinners when they are born, they are innocent until they grow to know right and wrong. And just as children depend on others, believers must learn to trust God in everything. It is the duty of believers to help their children to see their sins. And encourage them to trust Jesus for their salvation without putting pressure on them to accept Jesus as their Saviour!
How can believers help their children to see their sins?
Day 104
Read Luke 18:18-23 and learn, riches and power cannot fill the emptiness in the heart. People may try to fill their empty life by coming to Jesus. However, they must know Jesus is the eternal Son of God, equal to God. And they must forsake everything in order to follow Jesus. In fact, no one should pretend to praise Jesus unless they know Him as God in the human body (Col 2:9). Moreover, Jesus knows the darling sin of everyone who shows interest in Him. And no one is willing to part with that sin in order to receive eternal life. Eternal life is not received by doing good deeds, it is actually the relationship people have with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ (John 17:3).
How can people get eternal life?
Day 105
Read Luke 18:24-30 and learn, Jesus will not abandon those who come to Him by faith. However, those who decide to follow Jesus without the new birth will find His demands too high to keep. The love of the world will damn many people in hell. And no one can love the world and God at the same time (1 John 2:15). People left on their own will not desire to follow Jesus. Many people think riches are blessings from God and yet many rich people have nothing to do with God. However, God will satisfy the needs of His people when they deny themselves the comforts of the world to make Jesus known to those lost in their sins. And the glory of heaven will be their heritage forever!
What will believers receive in heaven?
Day 106
Read Luke 18:31-34 and learn, Jesus told His Apostles what was going to happen to Him to prepare them to accept the will of God in His life. He constantly turned to the word of God to show God was in control even over His death. However, there were things which Jesus did not reveal to them until they happened to protect them from any anxiety. Believers go wrong when they do not know what the word of God says about their lives. And whatever happens is ordered by their Heavenly Father for their good (Rom 8:28) In fact, God used the worst crime of killing His Son to bring the most blessing of free forgiveness to anyone who believes Jesus died for their sins.
Why is the death of Jesus the only way for God to forgive sins!

Day 107
Read Luke 18:35-43 and learn, people are born spiritually blind and only those who realize their sins offend God will seek mercy from Jesus. And there is nothing that can stop them from coming to Jesus. However, they must come to the Jesus who is revealed in the word of God and be sure why He came. Those who come to Jesus for healing, may be healed and still remain in their sins. And all the time the wrath of God is upon them (John 3:36). In fact, those who truly know God will show it by coming to Jesus (John 6:45). And commit themselves to following Him to the end of their lives.
How can people realize they have sinned?
Day 108
Read Luke 19:1-10 and by learn, Jesus knows everyone by name. He knew those He came to save first from the Jews. It was after the Jews rejected Jesus that He started calling His elect from the other nations. These are the ones Jesus said they are His other sheep (John 10:16). And no one should despair because Jesus came to save the worst sinner (1 Tim 1:15). In fact, God works in the hearts of those Jesus came to save and gives them the desire to seek Him. And they will do anything to overcome any limitation which may hinder their coming to Jesus. The evidence of their new life is clear to those around them. And they will be eager to do far more than their duty requires. There are some sins which need actions to be taken once they have been forgiven.
Which sins require some actions after they are forgiven?
Day 109
Read Luke 19:11-27 and learn, Jesus held a totally different view of salvation from that held by the Jews. God sent Jesus to save the Jews from their sins, but they expected their Saviour to free them from the Romans. And even today people want Jesus who frees them from poverty and diseases. Jesus gives gifts to all believers and expects them to use their gifts to benefit other believers. Those who are faithful will be given more opportunities to reach more people with the Good News and in the end, they will rule with Jesus (2 Tim 2:12). The lazy ones will be denied any opportunity to serve Jesus if they know the will of God and refuse to do it. In fact, many of them will find themselves in hell to show they never submitted to the Lordship of Jesus. How can people show Jesus is their Lord?
Day 110
Read Luke 19:28-40 and learn, somethings people did to Jesus had no human explanation. The people who welcomed Jesus were probably the same ones who demanded His crucifixion (Luke 23:23). Jesus Had authority to use anything people had without notice. And it should be a great privilege for believers to offer themselves and their things to Jesus to use. God commands all people to repent and know their entrance into heaven will depend on their relationship with Jesus (Acts 17:30-31). Many people call themselves Christians, but their lives tell a different story! Jesus is worthy to be worshipped by all people and this includes the angels (Heb 1:6).
What is the right way to praise Jesus?
Day 111
Read Luke 19:41-44 and learn, many people live as if there will be no last judgement. God gives people the opportunity to repent before He punishes them. The Jews as the chosen people of God, were more guilty of killing Jesus than the other nations. In fact, in AD 70, the Romans burned both the city of Jerusalem and the temple. They killed most of the Jews and the rest were scattered. And the nation of Israel ceased to exist until 1948! Those who have the privilege of hearing Jesus is the Saviour and not believe, their judgement will be more severe. Jesus has commanded believers to sound the warning of the last judgment which will determine where each one will spend their eternity. Some will go to endless punishment and others into eternal life (Math 25:46). Let the wise make peace with the Son of God (Psalm 2:12).
Can anyone know where they will go when they die?
Day 112
Read Luke 19:45-48 and learn, God made people to worship Him, but the sin of Adam separated them from Him. And from then on, God chose who should worship Him and the place of worship. God first chose the Jews to worship Him and only in the temple (1 King 8:29). When Jesus came, the people He saves are the only true worshippers of the living God. And their worship becomes a matter of the heart guided by the word of God (John 4:24). In fact, Jesus is present where few believers meet in His Name (Math 18:20). The body of each believer is the dwelling place of God the Holy Spirit. And Jesus will judge them if they use their bodies to sin because He bought them with His blood (1 Cor 6:19-20).
How can believers worship wrongly?
Day 113
Read Luke 20:1-8 and learn, believers should be prepared to answer their enemies like Jesus and use the word of God to defend their faith. Peter and John were challenged to explain where they got the power to heal the cripple (Acts 4:7). In fact, this gave them the opportunity to talk about Jesus as the only Saviour (Act 4:12). Believers do not have to answer some questions except to defend their faith in Jesus. Jesus did not answer Pilate’s questions, He only spoke to correct him (John 19:11). The religious leaders knew the miracles Jesus performed confirmed He was God; they simply did not want to admit it. And believers should not listen to those who discredit their faith, instead they should pray for strength to live a life that honours Jesus. And who knows, God may raise someone to defend their faith.
When should believers not answer questions from their enemies?
Day 114
Read Luke 20:9-19 and learn, the history of God’s people has always been a sad one. The people God saved from slavery in Egypt complained every time they faced trials. They later rejected God to rule over them and asked for a king to be like other nations (1 Sam 8:4-7). In fact, they continued to reject the prophets God sent to teach them His ways. And in the end, they killed the Son of God sent to save them from their slavery to sin. Although, those who believe in Jesus receive new life, they find the Christian life difficult to live. They have sins within to fight and the sinful world around to conquer! And their only hope is the new heavens and the New earth where there will be no sin (2 Pet 3:13). And the sinless bodies they will receive when Jesus returns (1 Cor 15:50-55). Those who reject Jesus and His servants will be condemned by Him when He returns.
How can believers reject the servants of Jesus?
Day 115
Read Luke 20:20-26 and learn, there should be no conflict between the church and the government because both are serving the same people. It becomes sinful when church leaders mislead their followers to disobey those in authority. In fact, all those in power have been put there by God (Rom 13:1). And those who obey their leaders are in effect obeying God. And their obedience must include supporting the government in its efforts to serve the citizens. This does not mean believers must agree with everything that the government does. However, they must keep this to themselves and still respect their leaders! And just as the money belonged to Caesar because it had his image, people belong to God because they have His image from their ancestor Adam who was created in God’s image (Gen 1:26-27). This image which was marred by the sin of Adam is restored in those who believe in Jesus but not fully in this world.
What does being created in God’s image mean?

Day 116
Read Luke 20:27-40 and learn, ignorance and the denial of the word of God are the causes of different denominations. In fact, what people believe affects the way they live. Those with limited knowledge of the word of God can easily think the word of God has contradictions. And believers must first understand why people ask some questions. In some cases, people ask questions about things which they imagine may happen! And believers should learn to turn such questions into discussions about life after death. Many believers do not think much about their resurrection. And yet, it is the resurrection of Jesus that guarantees their resurrection (1 Cor 15:20). And it is on the basis of the resurrection of Jesus that God declares believers to be righteous (Rom 4:25).
Why did God raise Jesus?
Day 117
Read Luke 20:41-44 and learn, the great men in the Old Testament were all inferior to Jesus. The Jews were surprised when Jesus told them He existed before Abraham (John 8:56-57). And in addition, Jesus told them He was “I AM” which is the name of God (John 8:58). As God told Moses to tell His people (Exodus 3:14). That means Jesus existed from eternity as God before He became a man. The wisdom of King Solomon that made him famous was far inferior to that of Jesus (Math 12:42). In fact, Jesus is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings (Rev 17:14). And David was right to call Jesus His Lord. And all people should call Jesus Lord, now or wait to be forced to call Him Lord, on the last day (Phil 2:12).
Why was Jesus called the son of David?
Day 118
Read Luke 20:45-47 and learn, those who love Jesus will definitely do good deeds but not every good deed is the result of genuine faith. In fact, believers do not do good deeds to gain favour from God, their good deeds flow from their love for Jesus. Those who do not have true religion in their hearts are the real danger to believers. They can easily attract believers because they also do good to others. However, they do such good deeds not because they care about people, they do good because they think God will bless them! And for believers to be safe, they should avoid those who say they love Jesus, but they never show spiritual concern for those around them. They should also keep away from those who do not care about sin in their lives or in other people. Sadly, many TV evangelists are like that!
What is so attractive about false preachers?
Day 119
Read Luke 21:1-4 and learn, there are many ways to worship God. In fact, true worship is not doing some religious duties. It is the whole life lived in the presence of God, but the worshippers must first be acceptable to God. And this is what Jesus makes them (Eph 1:6). The act of giving offerings is part of worship. In the Old Testament, God commanded His people to set aside a tenth of all their income to support the Levites who served Him on their behalf. In fact, in the New Testament God expects believers to set aside what to give (1 Cor 16:2-3). And believers should gladly give what they decide (2 Cor 9:7). Those who give themselves to God and His people will give generously (2 Cor 8:5). And everything believers give to God; they will get it in heaven (Math 6:20). What a deal!
Is there anyone who has nothing to give God?
Day 120
Read Luke 21:5-6 and learn, God hates any worship that is centered on man-made objects. It is the attitude of the heart that moves God to act favorably (Psalm 51:17). When David wanted to build a house for God, God turned and promised to build David a house (2 Sam 7:1-2, 11). God also promised David that his son, would build a temple for God (2 Sam 7:12-13). When Jesus born, He came as the true temple that dwelled with people as His name Immanuel means (Math 1:23). Jesus was the Son of David who came to build the true temple which is His body (John 2:19, 21). And all believers are parts of His body which is the church. The temple that the people were showing Jesus does not exist today just as Jesus said. There is a mosque where the temple was!
What does this show about worship?
Day 121
Read Luke 21:7-24 and learn, the events which mark the second coming of Jesus have always been there since He went to heaven. They will only become more intense as His coming draws near. And believers must see the problems in the world as opportunities to speak about the reality of sin which Jesus will come to put an end to. In fact, the natural calamities in the world show sin affected the creation and Jesus will come to deliver it from corruption (Rom 8:21). And no one can say Jesus has delayed his coming because God’s way of timing is different (2 Pet 3:8). It is sad, believers will continue to suffer the effects of sin like everybody else. There are people who are dear to Jesus facing family hostility and even death like Muslims who become Christians. God visits His enemies with judgement from time to time, to show His final judgement is sure when He will send His Son again as the judge.
Why does God take long to punish sin?
Day 122
Read Luke 21:25-28 and learn, everyone who has lived in this world will see Jesus when He returns. He will come in full splendor and all the forces of nature will give way. And believers will rejoice because they will be like Him (1 John 3:2). God will burn the present heavens and the earth and turn them into the new heavens and a new earth (2 Pet 3:10-13). And those who will have died, they will come forth to receive their eternal destiny from Jesus (John 5:28-29). And all believers, dead or alive, will be changed and meet their Saviour (1 Thes 4:16-17). The door to come to Jesus is still open for anyone to come for mercy. And be ready to meet Him, either in death or when He comes back.
How can people prepare to meet Jesus confidently?
Day 123
Read Luke 21:29-33 and learn, the wickedness we see around shows God is giving people time to repent as He always did. John the Baptist told the people to repent as the way to be prepared for heaven (Math 3:2). And when Jesus started His ministry, He told the people to repent as the only way to be guaranteed a place in His Kingdom (Math 4:17). In fact, God sent Jesus to rescue the people who were held captive by the devil. And those who trust Jesus as their sin bearer, God transfers them from the power of the devil and brings them into the Kingdom of His beloved Son (Col 1:13). God is faithful and what He says in His word will be fulfilled before the end of the world.
What is the work of believers in the Kingdom of God?
Day 124
Read Luke 21:34-38 and learn, the second coming of Jesus is the only event that will surely happen. And believers must watch because the cares of the necessities of life can easily make them unprepared. In fact, if they do not feel the urgency to let go of the things of this world and concentrate more on the matters of their souls, they are in spiritual danger! It is easy for believers to compare themselves with those who do not care about God and not see their own sins. And while It is true drunkards have no place in heaven, they are more likely to repent because people are always pointing at their sins. Believers must try to live in such a way that, it does not matter when Jesus comes (Luke 12:38). And those who reject Jesus or call themselves Christians and yet live a sinful lifestyle, they will face Him on the judgement day.
What aspect of the life of Jesus can you copy?

Day 125
Read Luke 22:1-6 and learn, the Passover was the day God’s people remembered how God saved them from slavery in Egypt by the blood of a lamb (Exodus 12:13-14). And the Lord’s Supper is the time believers remember how God saved them from sin by the blood of His Son on the cross (Math 26:28). Jesus died on the cross, as the Passover lamb that was sacrificed for all believers (1 Cor 5:7). In fact, Jesus is the lamb of God that takes away the sins of those who believe in Him (John 1: 29). And although God used the death of His Son as the sacrifice for the sins of His people, those who conspired to kill Him were guilty of the worst sin ever committed (Acts 2:22- 23)!
Who else contributed to the death of Jesus?
Day 126
Read Luke 22:7-23 and learn, Jesus fulfilled all the Old Testament religious requirements. In fact, He made the arrangements to eat the last Passover with His Apostles. And as they ate the Passover, Jesus transformed it into the Lord’s Supper. The bread represents Jesus who gives spiritual life to His followers (John 6:35). And the cup represents His blood that turns away the anger of God against sin (Rom 3:25). All believers should partake of the Lord’s Supper as often as possible (1 Cor 11:26). And the church leaders must ensure no one comes carelessly to the Table of the Lord (1 Cor 11:27). Sadly, many people eat the Lord’s Supper as enemies of Jesus like Judas Iscariot who was a devil (John 6:70-71). And those who love Jesus will be present during the Marriage Supper of Jesus in heaven (Rev 19:9).
How can believers prepare to eat the Lord’s Supper?
Day 127
Read Luke 22:24-30 and learn, usually the way people behave is determined by those who do not fear God. And believers can easily adopt their ways and forget they are not of the world. In fact, those who come to Jesus receive a new nature and the word of God must inform their actions. Moreover, they have the example of Jesus who sacrificed His life for their sins (Mark 10:45). They should pray their lives to influence their fellow believers to think godly thoughts. It is true church leaders must be obeyed (Heb 13:17). However, believers must weigh what they hear because they will be judged by their actions and not their doctrines! And those who are faithful in serving one another will be given responsibilities in heaven
What will believers do in heaven for eternity?
Day 128
Read Luke 22:31-34 and learn, the devil declares war against the faith of those who trust Jesus. He can easily convince them that doing good deeds is more important than reading the word of God. However, those who think they are spiritually strong are more likely to fall away (1 Cor 10:12). Jesus loves those He calls, and nothing can hinder them from following Him to the end (John 10:28). In fact, they do not stand on their own strength, Jesus prayed for them to be kept until the end (John 17:20). However, believers must take seriously the warning of the word of God because what God says will definitely happen.
How can believers avoid temptations?
Day 129
Read Luke 22:35-38 and learn, Jesus can be trusted to provide all that believers need. In fact, believers have proved God to be faithful in caring for their needs and their children (Psalm 37:25). However, God uses their hard work as the means to supply their needs. Moreover, they must not forget they are called to follow Jesus who had nothing to call his own (Math 8:20). And in many cases, they will pass through severe trials. And in such circumstances, they should remain focused on Jesus who suffered as their example to follow (1 Pet 2:21). Indeed, everything Jesus went through was ordered by God Himself. And in the same way, everything that believers experience is guided by their Father in heaven!
Why does God allow believers to suffer?

Day 130
Read Luke 22:39-46 and learn, believers should set time every day to read the word of God and pray, especially for protection from the devil (Math 6:13). They can invite other believers to pray with them when they are going through temptations. However, they should not be surprised when those they trust fail them. Jesus understands because He was forsaken by His Apostles when He faced the anger of God against the sins of those He came to save! In fact, Jesus invites believers to come to Him and receive strength to stand against temptation (Heb 4:14-16). And if believers know the will of God involves suffering, they should pray for grace to submit to His will like Jesus. Jesus knew He came to die!
How can believers know the will of God?
Day 131
Read Luke 22:47-53 and learn, no one can perish in the hands of Jesus! However, for those who take sin lightly, there will come a time when they cannot see their sins. In fact, it is God who gives repentance (2 Tim 2:25). And He can withdraw repentance from those who sin willfully like Judas Iscariot. Believers should value those who rebuke them when they sin and not love the false praises of the enemies of God at all (Prov 27:6). There are many who have fancy religious titles, but they are outright enemies of Jesus. And believers should avoid such preachers and warn their fellow believers. Those who truly love Jesus will be hated just as He was hated without any cause (John 15:18).
What else makes the followers of Jesus to be hated?
Day 132
Read Luke 22:54-62 and learn, believers start to backslide when they stop their personal devotion to Jesus and start to love the company of His enemies. God in His wisdom will expose them using ordinary ways. And Jesus knows how to humble His people to show how weak they are. This is what happened to Peter who thought he was strong enough to die with Jesus (Luke 22:33). The Christian life is not as easy as many people think. And believers must take seriously the warnings of the word of God. In fact, there is nothing good even in the greatest men of God as the Apostle Paul confessed (Rom 7:18). It only took one look from Jesus for Peter to discover his sin of pride! Be warned, sin deceives (Heb 3:13)!
How can believers know they have sinned?
Day 133
Read Luke 22:63-71 and learn, the salvation God offers is free but not free of charge! It cost God the Father the death of His Son. And it cost His Son His life in His death (John 10:15). It put Jesus to open shame by allowing Himself to be mocked by the people He created! And although evil people conspired to kill Jesus, they only fulfilled the plan of God to save His people through His death (Acts 4:27-28). However, God using their wicked actions to save did not free them from the sin of murder (Acts 2:22-23). Jesus went through sufferings including His death to show His love for His people. And His people must show the same love to His people (1 John 3:16).
How can believers show the love of Jesus to others?
Day 134
Read Luke 23:1-12 and learn, at the time of Jesus, the power to put someone to death belonged to the Romans. Therefore, the wicked religious leaders brought false accusations to convince Pilate that Jesus deserved to die. And although Pilate knew Jesus was innocent, he referred Him to Herod, who equally found Jesus blameless. Jesus had no sin to die for! In fact, it was God who put on Jesus the sins of His people and punished Him. And those who believe in Jesus, God freely counts the righteousness of Jesus as their own (2 Cor 5:21). God will only admit into heaven those who have His righteousness received by faith in Jesus Christ. And this is the only way God declares sinners not guilty before Him (Rom 3:21-24). This is indeed the Good News which everyone must hear and believe to be safe!
Why is Jesus the only way to heaven?
Day 135
Read Luke 23:13-25 and learn, if believers know the truth, they should obey God and leave the consequences to Him. It displeases God when they fear what people will say. They should fear God who has the power to cast both the body and soul into hell (Math 10:28). In a certain way, Jesus died in the place of Barabbas just as He died on behalf of sinners! And humanly speaking, it is Pilate who put Jesus to death by handing Him over to be crucified. It is no wonder, the Apostles’ Creed says, “Jesus suffered under Pontius Pilate” In fact, it is those Jesus came to save, who put Him to death because He had to die to save them!
What is your response to the death of innocent Jesus?
Day 136
Read Luke 23:26-43 and learn, believers should remember Jesus died for them and not look to people for comfort except in Him. It pleased God to put Jesus to grief so that His followers will rejoice forever (Isaiah 53:10). And in His sufferings, Jesus was moved to forgive His enemies, and He expects His followers to love their enemies as well (John 6:35). This is what Stephen did to those who stoned Him for His faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 7:60). And Jesus who saved when He was dying, He is able to save completely those who acknowledge their sin and confess (Heb 7:25). It is faith alone in Jesus alone that guarantees sinners immediate entry into heaven when they die.
Can believers know for sure they will go to heaven?
Day 137
Read Luke 23:44-49 and learn, the events which occurred when Jesus died show Jesus was the Son of God. The darkness was the sign that God was punishing Jesus for the sins of His people. In fact, Jesus experienced hell when God turned away from Him. And the splitting of the temple curtain meant believers can approach God directly without going through a human mediator such as a priest. Jesus is the only mediator between them and God (1 Tim 2:5). In fact, Jesus is their High Priest who identifies Himself with their weaknesses (Heb 4:14-15). And those who witnessed the death of Jesus changed their views about Him.
What is Jesus doing for believers in heaven?
Day 138
Read Luke 23:50-56 and learn, Jesus will always have those who are loyal to Him even in places where Christianity is forbidden. In fact, the underground church in those places is stronger than where people are free to worship Jesus. The true Christian witness is known through those who give their lives for Jesus. And those who show kindness without talking about their faith. However, believers should look for opportunity to talk about the free forgiveness received by faith in Jesus because faith comes by hearing the word of God (Rom 10:17). And no amount of devotion to Jesus should lead believers to break the clear commands of God. The women rested on the sabbath!
How can believers be a witness for Jesus in their places of work?
Day 139
Read Luke 24:1-12 and learn, those who seek Jesus early in the word of God will know Him. In fact, He will remove any hindrance that may prevent them from seeking Him. Jesus knows the heart of each believer and He reveals himself differently to each one of them. And those who desire to know what the word of God says about Jesus, the Holy Spirit will enlighten their minds to understand (John 16:13). There are believers who live a defeated life because they do not know the word of God. And there are others who know the word of God and not believe it! Those God blesses to know the word of God should teach others. It is shameful when mature believers doubt the word of God like Peter who did not expect Jesus to rise from the dead!
Why do some believers doubt the word of God?

Day 140
Read Luke 24:13-35 and learn, the resurrected Jesus lives with all obedient believers (John 14:23). And the changes He brings in their lives are clearly seen. In fact, Jesus is present where believers meet to worship Him (Math 18:19). However, it is possible for believers not to realize Jesus listens to their discouragement! He may not speak to them directly, but they have the word of God. Indeed, the central message of the entire word of God is Jesus and His mission to this lost world. However, there are some truths believers may not know until God reveals them at the right time. And those who experience the real presence of Jesus in their lives, they will desire others to experience the same.
Why are some believers not excited about telling people about Jesus?
Day 141
Read Luke 24:36-53 and learn, Jesus shows special kindness to His followers. It is an amazing truth that they are the beloved children of God (1 John 3:1). In fact, God chose them knowing they will fail Him. It true God does not deal with His people as their sins deserve (Psalm 103:10). Moreover, God chose the death of His Son as the only way to forgive sins. And Jesus began to build His church by sending the Apostles to the world to call people to repent. And only those who forsake their sins and trust Jesus will be safe when He comes back as the judge. Believers must consider themselves highly privileged to partner with Jesus in reaching the world with the Good News.
How can believers be involved in proclaiming Jesus?