We are a Bible-Believing Church:
We are distinguished by our conviction regarding the authority of the Word of God. We believe in the inspiration, infallibility and sufficiency of the Scriptures. We also believe that the Bible is without error in all of its parts, in its original form. However, not all who profess the Christian faith seek to regulate the life of the Church in every area by the Word of God. There is a common belief, whether it is clearly stated or not, that the Bible is not a sufficient guide to tell you how to run the affairs of a church. This is behind much of what we see in the modern church seeker-sensitive growth movement where it is more about what works rather than what is biblical, what brings more people to the church premises, what excites people to give more money or what makes a Sunday worship service more emotionally charged and stimulating. Injili Bible Church holds a conviction that the Bible alone defines what a church is and how it is to be regulated. The Bible alone defines the offices of the church and how the church is to be governed i.e., by Elders and Deacons. The Bible alone defines the officers’ qualifications and their function. The Bible sufficiently guides regarding what worship is and how it is to be offered. The Bible satisfactorily shows who can be a church member and what is required of those who become members. We believe that preaching the whole counsel of God contained in the 66 books of Scripture is paramount to the life of the church. How is God going to save sinners? How is God going to exhort and build up His saints? How is Christ most powerfully displayed to the minds and hearts of believers? It is through the preaching of the Word of God! Therefore, we reject the modern trends toward ecstatic entertainment and dance, shallow teaching, mere motivational preaching, the surrendering of worship over to emotionally driven testimonies and movies, euphoric singing and merry making which are without order. The Word of God is to be central in the worship of God and the day to day government of the church and all its members.
We are a Reformed Church:
We hold onto the great biblical truths and the traditional protestant doctrines and values such as Sola Scriptura (the Bible alone is the final basis for faith and practice), Sola Gratia (salvation by God’s grace alone), Sola Fide (justification by faith alone), Solus Christus (salvation through Christ alone), and Soli Deo Gloria (God alone is to receive all the glory). We believe that God is sovereign in the matter of man’s salvation. This is to say that God has, before the foundation of the world, chosen His elect for salvation. He has done so sovereignly and according to His own will and good pleasure, and in His perfect wisdom. Accordingly, we teach that, in time, Christ came and accomplished salvation by dying for the sins of those sinners chosen by God. Furthermore, we believe that the Holy Spirit, working in harmony with the choice of the Father and the vicarious death of the Son, effectually applies this work of redemption to each of the chosen sinners, melts their hearts of stone, grants them repentance, and turns them to Christ in faith. We also uphold the Biblical truth that man is a responsible moral agent who is commanded by God to repent from his sin and is condemned for his own lack of belief in Christ Jesus. As a result of our belief in the sovereignty of God in salvation, we effectively promulgate the doctrines of grace: they are Biblical truths which set forth the total depravity of man, the unconditional nature of God’s election, the particular nature of Christ’s atonement, the irresistibility of the effectual call, and the perseverance and preservation of the saints until the terrible Day of the Lord. In addition, we are a confessional church, recognizing that the Church of Jesus Christ has existed since the days of the Apostles and we receive certain creeds and confessions as in line with the Scriptures, though they are neither infallible nor inspired. These documents include: the Apostle’s Creed, the Athanasian/Nicene Creed, the Chalcedonian Definition, and the Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689.
We are a Baptist Church:
We believe in the fact that baptism is for believers only as a clear and indisputable teaching of the Word of God. There is no evidence in the Old or New Testament to support the notion that the infants of believers are to be baptized by virtue of being born in a certain lineage or of Christian parents. Every biblical command to baptize and every biblical example of baptism, as well as every doctrinal statement regarding the symbolic nature of baptism, proves that it is for disciples of the Lord Jesus only. This means that only those who are converted and can give evidence of genuine faith and manifest a life transformed by the power of Christ are to be baptized. We also believe that baptism is properly and biblically administered by immersion in water. The common Greek word for immersion or dipping is the word used in the New Testament. Multiple examples of baptism given in the New Testament connote immersion. The spiritual symbolism presented in Scripture of being “buried with Christ” and “raised with Him” signify immersion. We also teach and hold that only those who are converted and baptized have a right to membership in Christ’s Church. This is commonly referred to as a regenerate church membership. A careful reading of the New Testament epistles shows that the Apostles took it that all the members of Christ’s churches were cleansed from sin, beloved brethren, and saints awaiting the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe it to be the duty of the local church congregations and their respective Elders to ensure, according to the best of their ability and through prayer, that no unconverted person makes his or her way into the membership of a church.
We are a Bible Church:
We are distinguished by our conviction regarding the authority of the Word of God. We believe in the inspiration, infallibility and sufficiency of the Scriptures. We also believe that the Bible is without error in all of its parts, in its original form. However, not all who profess the Christian faith seek to regulate the life of the Church in every area by the Word of God. There is a common belief, whether it is clearly stated or not, that the Bible is not a sufficient guide to tell you how to run the affairs of a church. This is behind much of what we see in the modern church seeker-sensitive growth movement where it is more about what works rather than what is biblical, what brings more people to the church premises, what excites people to give more money or what makes a Sunday worship service more emotionally charged and stimulating. Injili Bible Church holds a conviction that the Bible alone defines what a church is and how it is to be regulated. The Bible alone defines the offices of the church and how the church is to be governed i.e., by Elders and Deacons. The Bible alone defines the officers’ qualifications and their function. The Bible sufficiently guides regarding what worship is and how it is to be offered. The Bible satisfactorily shows who can be a church member and what is required of those who become members. We believe that preaching the whole counsel of God contained in the 66 books of Scripture is paramount to the life of the church. How is God going to save sinners? How is God going to exhort and build up His saints? How is Christ most powerfully displayed to the minds and hearts of believers? It is through the preaching of the Word of God! Therefore, we reject the modern trends toward ecstatic entertainment and dance, shallow teaching, mere motivational preaching, the surrendering of worship over to emotionally driven testimonies and movies, euphoric singing and merry making which are without order. The Word of God is to be central in the worship of God and the day to day government of the church and all its members.
We are a Reformed Church:
We hold onto the great biblical truths and the traditional protestant doctrines and values such as Sola Scriptura (the Bible alone is the final basis for faith and practice), Sola Gratia (salvation by God’s grace alone), Sola Fide (justification by faith alone), Solus Christus (salvation through Christ alone), and Soli Deo Gloria (God alone is to receive all the glory). We believe that God is sovereign in the matter of man’s salvation. This is to say that God has, before the foundation of the world, chosen His elect for salvation. He has done so sovereignly and according to His own will and good pleasure, and in His perfect wisdom. Accordingly, we teach that, in time, Christ came and accomplished salvation by dying for the sins of those sinners chosen by God. Furthermore, we believe that the Holy Spirit, working in harmony with the choice of the Father and the vicarious death of the Son, effectually applies this work of redemption to each of the chosen sinners, melts their hearts of stone, grants them repentance, and turns them to Christ in faith. We also uphold the Biblical truth that man is a responsible moral agent who is commanded by God to repent from his sin and is condemned for his own lack of belief in Christ Jesus. As a result of our belief in the sovereignty of God in salvation, we effectively promulgate the doctrines of grace: they are Biblical truths which set forth the total depravity of man, the unconditional nature of God’s election, the particular nature of Christ’s atonement, the irresistibility of the effectual call, and the perseverance and preservation of the saints until the terrible Day of the Lord. In addition, we are a confessional church, recognizing that the Church of Jesus Christ has existed since the days of the Apostles and we receive certain creeds and confessions as in line with the Scriptures, though they are neither infallible nor inspired. These documents include: the Apostle’s Creed, the Athanasian/Nicene Creed, the Chalcedonian Definition, and the Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689.
We are a Baptist Church:
We believe in the fact that baptism is for believers only as a clear and indisputable teaching of the Word of God. There is no evidence in the Old or New Testament to support the notion that the infants of believers are to be baptized by virtue of being born in a certain lineage or of Christian parents. Every biblical command to baptize and every biblical example of baptism, as well as every doctrinal statement regarding the symbolic nature of baptism, proves that it is for disciples of the Lord Jesus only. This means that only those who are converted and can give evidence of genuine faith and manifest a life transformed by the power of Christ are to be baptized. We also believe that baptism is properly and biblically administered by immersion in water. The common Greek word for immersion or dipping is the word used in the New Testament. Multiple examples of baptism given in the New Testament connote immersion. The spiritual symbolism presented in Scripture of being “buried with Christ” and “raised with Him” signify immersion. We also teach and hold that only those who are converted and baptized have a right to membership in Christ’s Church. This is commonly referred to as a regenerate church membership. A careful reading of the New Testament epistles shows that the Apostles took it that all the members of Christ’s churches were cleansed from sin, beloved brethren, and saints awaiting the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe it to be the duty of the local church congregations and their respective Elders to ensure, according to the best of their ability and through prayer, that no unconverted person makes his or her way into the membership of a church.